Weekly Gallery

World of Dragons

Hello, Story Spinners.

After a busy work week, I like to ease myself into the weekend by visiting different worlds inside my mind.

This week I travelled to the World of Dragons.

fire dragon ::3 keylit blank black backdrop ::1 vantablack, sleep, mono ::1 Neon outline, holographic line outline, neon glow ::1.5 Outer glow, neon glow, Inner shadows ::2 --ar 16:9 —v 5

fire dragon ::3 keylit blank black backdrop ::1 vantablack, sleep, mono ::1 Neon outline, holographic line outline, neon glow ::1.5 Outer glow, neon glow, Inner shadows ::2 --niji 5 --ar 16:9

ice dragon ::3 keylit blank black backdrop ::1 vantablack, sleep, mono ::1 Neon outline, holographic line outline, neon glow ::1.5 Outer glow, neon glow, Inner shadows ::2 --stylize 80 --ar 16:9

ice dragon ::3 pixel art, pixelated ::3 glitch art ::1 low res, thumbnail ::1 240p ::0.5 photography, high res, hd, 8K, 3d, render ::-3 --niji 5 --ar 16:9

earth dragon ::15 fantasy ::6 high contrast, strong shadows ::4 strong shadows, deep shadows ::4 bright highlights ::4 black and white color palette, dark, muted colors ::5 textured background ::2 somber, intense mood ::1 depth of field, blurry background ::1 photography, flat art, flat illustration ::-3 realistic, cinametic ::-2 --stylize 800 --ar 16:9 —v 5

earth dragon ::15 fantasy ::6 high contrast, strong shadows ::4 strong shadows, deep shadows ::4 bright highlights ::4 black and white color palette, dark, muted colors ::5 textured background ::2 somber, intense mood ::1 depth of field, blurry background ::1 photography, flat art, flat illustration ::-3 realistic, cinametic ::-2 --stylize 800 --ar 16:9 --niji 5

earth dragon ::3 pixel art, pixelated ::3 glitch art ::1 low res, thumbnail ::1 240p ::0.5 photography, high res, hd, 8K, 3d, render ::-3 --niji 5 --ar 16:9

You can reply to this message and send me some of the worlds you create. I would love to see them.

You can also stop by my website or social media and as always,

Keep creating and don't forget to have fun. ☀