Weekly Gallery

The Marble Palace

Hello, Story Spinners.

After a busy work week, I like to ease myself into the weekend by visiting different worlds inside my mind.

This week I travelled to the Marble Palace.

standing outside, surrounded by tall, clean cut marble walls with saturated pink colors running through them. The atmospohere is mysterious, mist glowing with soft pink color --ar 16:9 --v 5

an interior shot in pink with a circular floor, in the style of surreal architectural landscapes, marble, ray tracing, soft renderings, romantic ruins, play of light and shade, monochromatic graphic design --ar 16:9 --v 5

a high definition photograph of a futuristic, clean cut architecture, elegant, made of marble with intense bright pink veins going through the clean stone, an open space with a soft pink atmosphere, soft mysterious glow, misty --ar 16:9 --v 5

a high definition photograph of a futuristic, clean cut architecture, elegant, made of marble with intense bright pink veins going through the clean stone, with a soft pink atmosphere --ar 16:9 --v 5

You can reply to this message and send me some of the worlds you create. I would love to see them.

You can also stop by my website or social media and as always,

Keep creating and don't forget to have fun. ☀